Saturday, January 25, 2020
Soft Powers Relationship With Hard Power
Soft Powers Relationship With Hard Power The decline of U.S. Hard Power perturbed the rabid US nationalists. Hence in response to US declining Hard Power came the concept of Soft Power. Joseph S. Nye first developed the concept of Soft Power in Bound to Lead, a book in reply to Paul Kennedys book The Rise and Fall of great powers In this book Paul Kennedy had announced the decline of US Power. Mr. Nye disputed Kennedys claim that US was in decline. At that time he pointed out that the United States was not only the strongest nation in military and economic terms, but also in a third dimension which he called soft power. He defined Soft Power as the ability to get what you want through attraction rather than through coercion or payments. It arises from the attractiveness of a countrys culture, political ideals and policies. When our policies are seen as legitimate in the eyes of others, our soft power is enhanced.à [i]à The greatest source of power in international affairs today, says Joseph S Nye, Dean of Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University and the leading proponent of Soft power, may lie in persuading other nations to see your interests as their interests. Underlying this assertion persuading others that our respective interests are aligned is the fact that we live in a world where countries can no longer live in splendid isolation. Globalization has been the juggernaut propelling interconnectedness and global media the glue that binds people across continents.à [ii]à He went on to say that this power could be cultivated through relations with allies, economic assistance and cultural exchanges. He argued that this would result in a more favourable Public opinion and credibility abroad. Later Joseph S. Nye authored two more books titled Soft Power: The means to success in world politics and Paradox of American power: Why the worlds only super power cant go it alone. Hans Morgenthau has defined power as, Ability of a nation to persuade, influence, force or otherwise induce another nation to take an action or change an objective that the latter would otherwise not prefer to of its own.à [iii]à Power is an ability of an actor to impose its will on others. In this sense three basic conditions are required so that Power can come into existence. First, an actor must have the possibilities/ assets to influence other actors. Quantifiable elements like military and economic possibilities and unquantifiable elements like culture, value system and mode of life constitute the first dimension of Power. Second, the actor having these power elements must be conscious of having them. In other words, the actor must have the will to capitalize on these assets. Thirdly, the other actors in the system must recognize and acknowledge that power. For power to exist, other actors must change their policies in line with the interests of the party that has power. In this sense, power is relational. 5. Historically, actors have been using military and economic Power to force other actors to fall in line with the preferences of power holders. In other words, it forced the other actors to undertake a cost-benefit analysis. It is this cost-benefit analysis which determined the preferences of other actors. An actor preferring to use hard power will frighten, buy or coax the adversary.à [iv]à 6. Contrary to Hard Power Soft Powerà [v]à is the Power of culture, value system, mode of life. The distinction between Hard and Soft power is made on the basis of the instrument used. But Tarik Oguzlu disputes this basis of categorizing Hard and Soft Power. According to him what makes power Soft is not the nature of means employed but the way those means are employed. Military power is not Hard Power and civilian power is not Soft Power. Military and civilian aspects of power refer to the kinds of means utilized. Hard and Soft dimensions of power refer to the ways military and civilian elements of power are used.à [vi]à 7. Joseph S Nye also points out in his article Think Again: Soft Power, that the term Soft Power has been stretched and twisted.à [vii]à The popular understandings of the concept encompass a narrower sense and broader sense. In the narrower sense, soft power is similar to cultural influence. Prominent examples of this view include those of British historian Niall Ferguson and German publicist Josef Joffe. The majority school of thought on soft power in China also subscribes to this narrower sense. In the broader sense, soft power is synonymous with non-military power and includes both cultural power and economic strength. While these popular understandings are misunderstandings, Scholars have argued that much of the confusion and misunderstanding of the concept of soft power is due to its being under-theorized, lack of academic refinement, and analytical fuzziness. 8. Power always depends on context. To describe the context of power in the 21st century, Joseph S. Nye uses the metaphor of a three dimensional chess game: on the top board of the three-dimensional game, the United States is the worlds only superpower, and one is unlikely to see a balance in military power for the next decade or two or perhaps even more. But on the middle board of economic relations between states, there is already a balance of power. The United States can not get a trade agreement or an anti trust solution if the European Union acts collectively, and without that balance and agreement, one cant achieve the desired outcomes. It is a bit anomalous to call international economic relations American Hegemony or empire. But if one goes to the bottom board of transnational relations, problems across borders outside the control of governments, whether its infectious diseases or drug smuggling or terrorism, no one is in charge. Power is chaotically organized or distributed. The only ways to deal with these issues is by cooperation among governments. To call that again American empire or American hegemony or unipolarity makes no sense at all. One is taking a metaphor from the top board and applying it to the bottom board, where it doesnt fit.à [viii]à New Threats are arising from the bottom board of transnational relations. While military power can be of some use occasionally on the bottom board, more often some other forms of power, particularly Soft Power is required. What makes Soft Power? 9. Since soft power is the power to attract, the question, what constitutes soft power? becomes, What generates attraction? To answer this question, we must look for the power currencies that cause attraction. According to Alexander L. Vuving , Associate Professor, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, there are at least three generic power currencies from which both power and its softness are derived. He calls them beauty, brilliance, and benignity. 10. Benignity is an aspect of the agents relations with others, especially with the client of soft power. It refers to the positive attitudes that you express when you treat people, especially when you treat the client. Benignity as a power currency works on the tendency of reciprocal altruism that exists in most, if not all, organisms. Among humans, it generates soft power through the production of gratitude and sympathy. 11. Brilliance is an aspect of the agents relations with its work. It refers to the high performance that you accomplish when you do things. In international relations, brilliance manifests itself in various forms, for example, a strong and awesome military, a wealthy and vibrant economy, a rich and radiant culture, or a peaceful and well-run society. Brilliance as a power currency works on the tendency of human beings to learn from the successes of others. It generates soft power through the production of admiration, which can lead to imitation, or emulation, and respect, or fear, or reverence. 12. Beauty in world politics is about the resonance that draws actors closer to each other through shared ideals, values, causes, or visions. Opposite values and causes provide a firm ground for regimes to see each other as ugly; and shared values and causes provide a push toward the perception that the other regime is beautiful, which in turn will encourage confidence, friendship, and cooperation. If others perceive you in this role, they will adhere to you and look at you for guidance, example, encouragement, and inspiration. Beauty generates soft power through the production of inspiration.à [ix]à Dialectics of Hard and Soft power 13. Prima facie, there is no direct correlation between Hard Power and soft power. A country may be strong in hard power but yet may be weak in soft power and vice-versa. But nonetheless on closer examination it is found that a country strong in Hard Power is not totally impotent in soft power. Any country strong in Hard Power is always a role model for aspiring power. Hence aspiring powers are attracted to emulate the Soft power of Hard Power holder. This has been the case since antiquity. Since the Roman times till today every aspiring power imitates Romans.à [x]à 14. There is a close relationship between the degree of securitization of issues and mode of power used. If the issues of concern were securitised, the tendency to use hard power would increase. The main difference between hard and soft power stems from the kind of Logic of action which governs the behaviour of actors, and not the kind of instruments employed. If the logic of action is instrumental, i.e. if the goal were to force others to make a cost-benefit analysis through coercing or coaxing strategies, then Hard Power occupies the centre-stage. On the other hand, if the goal were to ensure that other actors in the system would automatically follow the lead due to power of attraction, then one could refer to the existence of Soft Power. Whereas the concept of Hard Power assumes a strong emphasis on the agent/actor, the concept of Soft power underlines the significance of perceptions others hold vis-à -vis the agent / actor.à [xi]à 15. Hard and Soft Power sometimes reinforces and sometimes interferes with each other. A country that courts popularity may be reluctant to exercise its hard power as and when the situation demands. But a country that throws its weight around without regard to the effect on its soft power may find others placing obstacles in the way of its hard power. But rarely can a state totally replace one by the other.à [xii]à 16. A countrys soft power can affect its hard power. During the Iraq war, the United States wanted to persuade the Turkish Government to send the fourth Infantry Division across Turkey to enter Iraq from the North. But the Turkish government said no, because the United States had by then become so unpopular. Its policies were perceived as so illegitimate that they were not willing to allow this transfer of troops across the country. The net effect was that the Fourth Infantry division had to go down through the canal, up through the Gulf, and arrived late to the war, which made a difference in the number of troops on the ground. Neglect of Soft Power made definite negative effect on hard Power.à [xiii]à 17. It has been historically observed that state weak in Hard Power has exercised strong influence on others by its soft power. This has been the case with disintegrated Italys music. Hobsbawm writesà [xiv]à à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦..Cultural hegemony is not an indicator of imperial power, nor does it depend much on it. If it did, Italy, disunited, powerless and poor, would not have dominated International musical life and art from the fifteenth through the eighteenth centuries. Moreover, where cultural power survives the decline of the power and prestige of the states that one propagated it the Roman Empire, or the French absolute monarchy Advent of Smart Power 18. The term hard power refers to guns and bombs, the military force of a country. Soft power is used to describe other forms of persuasion a country can employ: trade deals, foreign aid, diplomacy, cultural influence and more. Joseph S Nye argues, however, that the most effective leaders are actually those who combine Hard and Soft Power skills in proportions that vary with different situations. He calls this Smart Power.à [xv]à 19. Smart power is a term in international relations defined by Joseph Nye as the ability to combine hard and soft power into a winning strategy. According to Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela R. Aall, smart power involves the strategic use of diplomacy, persuasion, capacity building, and the projection of power and influence in ways that are cost-effective and have political and social legitimacy essentially the engagement of both military force and all forms of diplomacy.à [xvi]à Myths about Soft Power 20. Soft Power Is Cultural Power According to Joseph S Nye Soft Power is partly Cultural Power. Power is the ability to alter the behavior of others to get what you want. British historian Niall Ferguson described soft power as non-traditional forces such as cultural and commercial good sand. Of course, the fact that a foreigner drinks Coca-Cola or wears a Michael Jordan T-shirt does not in itself mean that America has power over him. This view confuses resources with behavior. Whether power resources produce a favorable outcome depends upon the context. Consider Iran. Western music and videos are anathema to the ruling mullahs, but attractive to many of the younger generation to whom they transmit ideas of freedom and choice. American culture produces soft power among some Iranians, but not others.à [xvii]à 21. Economic Strength is Soft Power. Peter Brookes in a recent article refers to soft power options such as economic sanctions. However, he argues that there is nothing soft about sanctions and they are clearly intended to coerce and are thus a form of hard power. Economic strength can be converted into hard or soft power: You can coerce countries with sanctions or woo them with wealth. As Walter Russell Mead has argued, economic power is sticky power; it seduces as much as it compels.à [xviii]à Theres no doubt that a successful economy is an important source of attraction. Sometimes in real-world situations, it is difficult to distinguish what part of an economic relationship is comprised of hard and soft power. European leaders describe other countries desire to accede to the European Union (EU) as a sign of Europes soft power. Turkey today is making changes in its human rights policies and domestic law to adjust to EU standards. 22. Soft Power is Better than Hard Power. Not necessarily. Because soft power has been hyped as an alternative to raw power politics, it is often embraced by ethically minded scholars and policymakers. But soft power is a description, not an ethical prescription. Like any form of power, it can be wielded for good or ill. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, after all, possessed a great deal of soft power in the eyes of their acolytes. It is not necessarily better to twist minds than to twist arms. 23. Although soft power in the wrong hands can have horrible consequences, it can in some cases offer morally superior means to certain goals. Contrast the consequences of Mohandas Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jrs choice of soft power with Yasir Arafats choice of the gun. Gandhi and King were able to attract moderate majorities over time, and the consequences were impressive both in effectiveness and in ethical terms. Arafats strategy of hard power, by contrast, killed innocent Israelis and drove Israeli moderates into the arms of the hard right. 24. Hard Power can be Measured and Soft Power Cannot. False. In fact, its quite possible to quantify sources of soft power. One can, for example, measure and compare the cultural, communications, and diplomatic resources that might produce soft power for a country. Public opinion polls can quantify changes in a countrys attractiveness over time. Nor is hard power as easy to quantify. The apparent precision of the measurement of hard power resources is often spurious and might be called the concrete fallacy. Some people act as though the only resources that can change behavior are those that can be dropped on your foot or on a city. But that is a mistake. The United States had far more measurable military resources than North Vietnam, but it nonetheless lost the Vietnam War. Whether soft power produces behavior that we want will depend on the context and the skills with which the resources are converted into outcomes.à [xix]à 25. Some Goals can only be Achieved by Hard Power. Soft Power is not the solution to all problems. For example, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Ils penchant for Hollywood movies is unlikely to affect his decision on developing nuclear weapons. Hard power just might dissuade him, particularly if China agreed to economic sanctions. Nor will soft power be sufficient to stop the Iranian nuclear program, though the legitimacy of the administrations current multilateral approach may help to recruit other countries to a coalition that isolates Iran. And soft power got nowhere in attracting the Taliban government away from its support for Al Qaeda in the 1990s.It took American military might to do that. But other goals, such as the promotion of democracy and human rights are better achieved by soft power. Coercive democratization has its limits as the United State found out in Iraq. 26. Military Resources Produce Only Hard Power. Military force appears to be a defining resource for hard Power, but the same resource can sometimes contribute to Soft Power. Dictators like Hitler and Stalin cultivated myths of invincibility and inevitability to structure expectations and attract others to join their bandwagon. As Osama bin Laden has said, people are attracted to a strong horse rather than a weak horse. A well run military can be a source of attraction, and military to military cooperation and training programs, for example, can establish transnational networks that enhance a countrys Soft Power. Of course, misuse of military resources can also undercut Soft Power. Brutality and indifference to just war principles of discrimination and proportionality can also destroy legitimacy. The efficiency of the initial American military invasion of Iraq in 2003 created admiration in the eyes of some foreigners, but that Soft Power was undercut by the subsequent inefficiency of the occupation and the scenes of mistreatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib.à [xx]à 27. Soft Power Is Difficult to Use. Governments can control and change foreign policies. They can spend money on public diplomacy, broadcasting and exchange programs. They can promote, but not control popular culture. In that sense, one of the key resources that produce soft power is produced by civil society largely independent of government control. from Hollywood to Harvard.à [xxi]à 28. Soft Power is irrelevant to the current terrorist threat. False. There is very little likelihood that we can ever attract people like Mohammed Atta or Osama bin Laden. We need hard power to deal with such hard cases. But the current terrorist threat is not Samuel Huntingtons clash of civilizations. It is a civil war between a majority of moderates and a small minority who want to coerce others into their simplified and ideologized version of their religion. We cannot win unless the moderates win. We cannot win unless the number of people the extremists are recruiting is lower than the number we are killing and deterring. That equation is hard to balance without Soft power. We cannot win hearts and minds without it. Soft power is more relevant than ever.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Jean Watson’s Theory
As a nurse establishing a caring relationship with a client is not easy. Jean Watson was the developer of a theory, which emphasizes how nurses express care to their patients. In this paper the author will discuss Jean Watsonââ¬â¢s theory, background, descriptions of her four concepts; environment, human being, nursing, and health, also describe of an actual nurse-client relationship which includes the description of the caring moment between a nurse and her 10 year old patient, which includes the caring moment and use of four of Watsonââ¬â¢s carative factors. Jean Watson was born in a small town Appalachia Mountains of West Virginia on 1940. In 1961 she graduated from The Lewis Gale School of nursing. She earned her bachelorââ¬â¢s degree in 1964, and her masterââ¬â¢s degree in psychiatric and mental health nursing in 1966. Later in 1973 she obtained her PhD in educational psychology and counseling (Nursing Theory, 2012). Watsonââ¬â¢s theory is grounded by ten processes known as the ââ¬Å"Caritas Processesâ⬠these 10 statements helped to provide and ethic or philosophy from, which we practice. Caritas represent charity, compassion, and generosity of spirit (Arslam & Azkan, 2012). It connotes something very fine, indeed, something precious that needs to be cultivated and sustained. The original theory developed in 1979 was organized around ten carative factors (Arslam & Azkan, 2012). Jean Watsonââ¬â¢s carative factors were a combination of interventions that were related to the human care process with full participation of the nurses with the patient. Watsonââ¬â¢s philosophy and sciences of caring addresses how nurses express care to their patients. According to her theory, caring can be demonstrated and practiced by nurses. Caring for patients promotes growth; a caring environment accepts a person as he or she is and looks to what she or he may become (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2012). Watsonsââ¬â¢s theory of caring has for major factors; human being, health, environment, and nursing (Nursing Theory, 2012). To Watson a human being was not only a body, but we should view a human as a whole, including their emotions (Arslam & Azkan, 2012). Watson believed a person should be understood, respected, and assisted by a nurse (Arslam & Azkan, 2012). She described health as the unity of the body, mind, and soul (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2012). Watson described environment as the things that make the client feel comfortable that provides safety, reduces stress, and a clean place (Nursing Theory, 2012). This can include the work setting and how nurses present themselves to the client. She views nursing as a human science where we can combine art ethics of human to human process. Nurses are to promote health, prevent illness, caring of the sick and returned health (Arslam & Azkan, 2012). According to Watson, the nurseââ¬â¢s role is to establish a caring relationship with the patient; this is achieved by the nurse going beyond an objective assessment (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2012). During the relationship there is a moment when the nurse and the patient come together in such a way that an occasion for human caring is created, Watson called this occasion the ââ¬Å"Caring Momentâ⬠(Arslam & Azkan, 2012). Working as a mental health nurse I have been able to develop a nurse-client relationship with my patients. However, there is a specific case that I will never forget the interaction with this patient makes me relate to Watsonââ¬â¢s theory and the caring moment she describes in her theory. One evening working as a charge nurse in the childrenââ¬â¢s unit, ââ¬Å"Sarahâ⬠a 10 year-old African American girl arrived to the unit via ambulance; she was coming directly from school where she was put on a 72- hour involuntary psychiatric hold because of her cutting her wrist with a blade and saying she wanted to die. That day, her two years older sister had reported to her physical education teacher in school that her and her sister were both been sexually abused by their biological father at home. Immediately child services were notified and many school counselors attempted to talk to Sarah while still in school to get her side of the story but Sarah refused to share any information with anyone, instead she showed the school staff herself inflicted cuts on her both wrists saying ââ¬Å"This helps my pain. â⬠At this moment the school called the department of mental health to evaluate Sarah. When she arrived to the unit, she looked confused, scared, and tearful at times. She was still refusing to talk to anyone when asked about the situation stating ââ¬Å"I just want to die. I introduced myself to Sarah with a smile, I explained to her she was put on a psychiatric hold and let her know what was coming next during the admission process to reduce her anxiety level (Townsend, 2008). The caring moment begins while doing Sarahââ¬â¢s nursing assessment and the question of her been sexually abuse had to come, when I asked her she states, ââ¬Å"You are so pretty and nice can I stay and live here with you? In that moment my heart comes to my stomach and my eyes become watery, I stayed quite not knowing what to answer. Few seconds of silence came and suddenly she starts sharing information and even giving details of her sexual abuse from her fatherââ¬â¢s part. The information she gives me is very explicit and shocking coming from an innocent ten year old girl. Then she sta nds up and hugs me saying ââ¬Å"I want to stay her with you please. â⬠I hugged her back and began crying inconsolable with Sarah, unforgettable, and priceless moment has marked my nursing career in a way that I know a nurse has to be sensitive to herself and to others. During nurse- client interaction with Sarah I used four of Jean Watsonââ¬â¢s carative factors. The fist carative factor I used was the installation of faith-hope, which means been authentically present, and enabling and sustaining the deep belief system (Arslam & Azkan, 2012). I tried to make Sarah feel comfortable by providing a quiet and calm place to perform her nursing assessment. I also tried to provide hope to her by making her feel cared for, I asked her if she was hungry and offered her some juice and some snacks, and I admired the beautiful hair and smile. I asked her about her relationship with her mother and sister and asked her if she believed they loved her. I asked her these questions so she can reflect and realized there was people that loved and cared for her (Townsend, 2008). The second carative factor I implemented was the development of a helping-trusting human caring relationship that implies developing and sustaining a helping-trusting authentic relationship (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2012). I implemented this factor by obtaining Sarahââ¬â¢s trust so she can express her feelings of her living situation at home which was extremely important to understand her situation and provide quality care and an individualized treatment. I maintain intermittent eye contact so she would feel acknowledge but not intimidated and I maintained myself at her height level at all times so she would not feel powerless (Townsend, 2008). I explained to her the admission process at her age level letting her know as much as possible what to expect from the hospitalization and explain the program guidelines to her. I reassured her many times she was in a safe environment. The third carative factor I used was the promotion and acceptance of the expression of positive and negative feelings, to Watson this means being present to, and supportive of the expression of positive and negative feelings as a connection with deeper spirit of self and the one being cared for (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2012). Sarahââ¬â¢s case was a very sensitive case which required the nurse to be very cautious in not making Sarah feel blame or judge for the situation, taking into consideration this a 10 year old with multiple self inflicted cuts in her wrist, she is feeling suicidal and there was a possibility of emotional and physical trauma. Even though it was extremely important to ask Sarah about her cuts and possible abused from her father I decided to focus on her positive feelings asking her about her siblings for example. Per hospital protocol within the first 15 minutes of arrival patients are required to go through a body search to check for any contraband, signs of abuse or self harm. During this physical assessment I saw Sarahââ¬â¢s cuts, I had to ask her if she had cut herself and looking down she shake her head up and down. I stayed calm paying attention to my body language and gestures, a negative facial expression or gesture toward her behavior of cutting herself could have had a negative effect on the nurse-client relationship affecting her trust toward myself (Townsend, 2008). In that moment I decided not to focus on finding out the reason she had to cut herself. I was there for Sarah listening to her, attentive in a calm environment, where she felt protected and cared for. I did not want her to feel pressured or judge. Later during the assessment she began speaking of her cuts and expressing her feelings. The fourth carative factor I used in Sarahââ¬â¢s care, which is the cultivation of sensitivity to oneself and to others. To Watson this meant the cultivation of oneââ¬â¢s spiritual practices and transpersonal self, going beyond ego self (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2012). I personally been a mother of a seven-year old at that time I immediately felt that need to protect her and make her feel safe. During the nursing assessment there was a moment where I became tearful when she was sharing details about the sexual abuse describing how sometimes she would rather urinate in her bed to avoid making noise so her father would not wake up and abused her that particular night. I became sensitive to her story, it was impossible not to show any emotions. In personal reflection the nurse-client relationship with Sarah taught me that a nurse needs to cared for her patient and have compassion, which to me is what nursing is about compassion, and empathy. I was able to obtain Sarahââ¬â¢s trust which is extremely important not only in nursing over all but when dealing with trauma patients. Sarah was able to express her feelings and share crucial information with me. Personally I discovered I was meant to be a mental health nurse I felt rewarded when Sarah hugged me and cried with me. I believed I made a difference in her life in that moment she felt safe and cared for. The author in this paper has described the four concepts of Jean Watsonââ¬â¢s theory human being, environment, health, and nursing. Watsonââ¬â¢s educational background and caritas model were briefly described. The author included an actual nurse-client relationship between a mental health nurse and a ten year old, including the caring moment and describing the implementation of four of the ten carative factors Jean Watson developed. References Arslam, A., & Azkan, A. (2012, March). A model Where Caring and Healing Meets:Watson's theory of Human Caring. Turkish Journal of Researcher and development in nursing, 14(2), 61-72. Nursing Theory. (2012). Jean Watson. Retrieved from Townsend, M. (2008). Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A Davi. Watson Caring Science Institute. (2012). Jean Watson's Theory. Retrieved from
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Caretaker View Of Children s Rights - 2733 Words
This essay will seek to explain what is meant by the ââ¬Ëcaretakerââ¬â¢ view of childrenââ¬â¢s rights, after which itââ¬â¢s strengths and weaknesses will be discussed. At first, the ââ¬Ëcaretakerââ¬â¢ thesis will be described and its specific characteristics, such as ââ¬Ëdelayed consentââ¬â¢, will be highlighted. The paper will then move on to discuss the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), which will reveal that despite children being granted the right to participate, under Article 3 of the Convention all of their decisions are still subject to parental determination. Afterwards, the weaknesses of the ââ¬Ëcaretakerââ¬â¢ approach to childrenââ¬â¢s rights will be contrasted against the framework of the child liberation movement. Most importantly, it will be argued that the protectionist view displays a misinterpretation of biological factors and their correlation with maturity and competency (Godwin, 2011). The new sociology of childhood will be referenced to outline further wrongdoing of the ââ¬Ëcaretaker viewââ¬â¢. It will be argued that children should be seen as individuals rather than a group, therefore their capabilities cannot be judged collectively. Strengths of the protectionist view will be shown through the vast amount of legislation and policy surrounding children, which still is largely based on protectionist values. Additionally, the paper will draw on Sue Palmerââ¬â¢s book ââ¬ËToxic Childhoodââ¬â¢ to argue against the participation of children. Overall it can be said that the traditional ââ¬Ëcaretakerââ¬â¢Show MoreRelatedMedication Is A Necessary Aspect Of Being Human1478 Words à |à 6 PagesBecause of medication billions of people worldwide are helped. However, there is much more to medicine than helping someone s cold. It saves lives. Medication should be enforced, but only when the health and safety of others is in jeopardy. 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To achieve the heightened consciousness to which Breton wants humanity to aspire, those interested can also look to the example set by children, poets, and to a lesser extent, insane persons. Though
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Symbolism in A Rose for Emily Essay - 1240 Words
Symbolism in literature is using an object to portray a different, deeper meaning in a story. Symbols represent ideas or qualities that the author has maneuvered into his or her story that has meaning. There can be multiple symbols in a story or just one. It is up to the reader to interpret the meaning of the symbols and their significance to the story. While reading a story, symbols may not become clear until the very end, once the climax is over, and the falling action is covered. In William Faulknerââ¬â¢s, ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emily,â⬠there are multiple examples of symbolism that occur throughout the story. Symbolism that ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emilyâ⬠displays is Miss Emilyââ¬â¢s taxes that represent death. First is the death of her father. The taxes are aâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The lime that is sprinkled around Miss Emilyââ¬â¢s house is another symbol in the story. Lime is a white powder that is used to cover the smell of decomposing bodies. The townspeople go to Miss Emilyââ¬â¢s house to sprinkle lime in her yard when there is complaint about the awful smell emanating from her house. The smell of Homerââ¬â¢s rotting corpse eventually stops permeating into the streets, but it is thought that the smell may have become normal to the town. The lime symbolizes a weary attempt to hide information. It is a cover up that symbolizes how the town hides the secrets in that generation (Shmoop 5). Arsenic is a symbol of hiding something that smells, just like lime. When arsenic is used to kill a rat, it creates a stench. The arsenic that Miss Emily uses on Homer Barronââ¬â¢s body creates a smell that the townspeople want to get rid of with lime. On Miss Emilyââ¬â¢s package, the cashier writes ââ¬Å"For rats.â⬠ââ¬Å"Faulkner himself claims that Homer was probably not a nice guy. If Homer is planning to break a promise to marry Emilyâ⬠¦ she probably considers him a ratâ⬠(Shmoop 5). This information leads us to believe tha t Faulkner approves of the poisoning of Homer Barron (Shmoop 5). In the story, there is no mention of an actual rose, yet the story title is ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emily.â⬠Another symbol is the rose. In the article, ââ¬Å"Symbolism,â⬠the author states he or she believes that the title reflects what Faulkner thinksShow MoreRelatedA Rose for Emily: Symbolism1460 Words à |à 6 PagesLancaster English 132 S.Higgins July,06 2009 In William Faulkners A Rose for Emily, the symbolism shows more about the character than is detailed by the author. Authors generally use symbolism as a way to represent the intangible qualities of the characters, places, and events in their work. Symbolism helps to indicate several things in a story. In A Rose for Emily Faulkner uses symbolism to define and characterize Emily Grierson. There are many symbols in this story each one has a special meaningRead MoreSymbolism in a Rose for Emily1508 Words à |à 7 PagesOctober 2015 Word Count: 1,305 Small Signs Symbolism in literature is using an object to portray a different, deeper meaning in a story. Symbols represent ideas or qualities that the author has maneuvered into his or her story that has meaning. There can be multiple symbols in a story or just one. It is up to the reader to interpret the meaning of the symbols and their significance to the story. In ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emilyâ⬠, William Faulkner effectively uses symbolism to illustrate the fading glory of the OldRead MoreSymbolism In Rose For Emily892 Words à |à 4 Pagesto describe that in the story ââ¬Å"Rose for Emilyâ⬠through the main character, Miss Emily Grierson who suffered from necrophilia. This story is enriched with full of symbolism, along with a deep-rooted issues and messages. Symbolism helps to gives readers to think about text and hidden themes that go along with the symbols. This gives reading a more rich and vivid experience. There are symbols lurking in every corner of this short story. William Fa ulkners use of symbolism captures audiences consciousRead MoreSymbolism In A Rose For Emily734 Words à |à 3 Pagesstory ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emily, Emily was raised with an extremely fiercely over protective Father. A Father that turns away any potential man, as he believes no one is good enough for his precious daughter Emily. Emily would continue to live with her Father until his death. The events that occur in this story are shrouded in symbolism and mystery. Though Emily will find a man this story has yet a bizarre, perplexing, creepy, and very unhappy ending. Emilyââ¬â¢s house, symbolic similar to Emily, is theRead MoreSymbolism In A Rose For Emily1276 Words à |à 6 PagesSymbolism is the use of an object or a word to represent an abstract idea. Its often used by writers to represent a hidden message or a hint in a story. The short Stories A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner and Everyday Use by Alice Walker are great examples of the use of symbolism. In A Rose for Emily Faulkner uses symbolism to create a Story about a woman called Emily whose life is surrounded by mysteries, especially after the death of her father and the disappearance of her beloved HomerRead MoreA Rose For Emily Symbolism Analysis1376 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Symbolism of the Setting in Faulknerââ¬â¢s and Hemingwayââ¬â¢s Stories The place where the story is set plays the most significant role in the majority of fiction pieces, since it is the setting that outlines the plot development and influences the heroesââ¬â¢ decisions and general characteristics. In Faulknerââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emilyâ⬠and Hemingwayââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Hills Like White Elephants,â⬠the setting is raised to the symbolic level. 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The Old South is becoming the new South and she cannot move forward. The residents of the South did not all give in to change just because they lost the Civil War. In A Rose for Emily time marches on leaving Miss Em ily behind as she stubbornly refuses to progress into a new era. In the story, symbolismRead MoreSymbolism Of A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner Essay1070 Words à |à 5 Pages Symbolism meaning: Analysis of the symbolism of ââ¬Å"The for Emilyâ⬠by William Faulkner In the story of ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emilyâ⬠by William Faulkner, Emily Grierson is the protagonist who also represents the Jefferson communitiesââ¬â¢ past and present by following her life backward and her house and the people in a community to represent the changes throughout time. 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